Friday, 28 April 2017

Where on earth is the time going?? Here we are a month later and getting closer every day to July 3rd and to say reality is hitting us is an understatement!!
Firstly thank you very much to Dan Mcgrath Media for the lovely write up he did for the local papers,  very nice job indeed. Also WLR are going to interview one of us on Friday (don't know how hard the other one tried to get an hour off)!!! Thanks for the publicity as it will all help our charity and indeed keep us motivated with all the support and encouragement we've been getting.
We are back out swimming in the sea and it's really great but still a little chilly. We can't get the big distances that we'd be hoping for but nothing we can do about that except wait for water temperature to rise a bit. Hopefully that won't be too much longer. It's lovely joining the regular group of swimmers that have been doing this longer than us and their words of wisdom and little tips are very helpful indeed thank you stilettos and friends! By the way, the thinking that jellyfish only like warmer water is a myth, don't ask!!!
We have our fundraising quiz night Friday 5th May in minnies and hopefully a fun night ahead! Also a fundraising waxing night (brave men) in micilin's Friday 13th may,  that's sure to be a laugh and we look forward to both events and thanks to everyone for their help organising both evenings.
Hopefully in the next update we will be telling you that we are doing one pool session a week with Natalie and one gym session with joey and the rest out in the lovely warm sea, well we can always hope! The sea temperature at the moment is about 8 degrees and it's going to need to get to 11 or 12 degrees for us to really get long swims in but until then at least one of the duo is getting a good laugh at the antics of the other trying to get into the nice refreshing sea, just hilarious!!!

9 weeks and 4 days is all but who's counting😱😱

As always thank you very much to everyone for their very generous donations towards our charity Breakthrough Cancer Research and a big thanks for all the encouragement and support you're given to us, it all helps immensely, until the next time, The jellyfish duo x

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